Dr. Ashok Saxena, IFS ( Retd.)

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Dr. Ashok Saxena, IFS ( Retd.)

Currently, Expert Member EAC, GOI

Dr. Ashok Saxena

Expert Member  Environment  Appraisal Committee ,  Govt. of India , MOEF & CC , GOI, EX Chairman Biodivetsity Board Gujarat  and Former PCCF Gujarat State . Member Secretary Gujarat Ecological Commission. Expert on Coastal zone management and  regulations 

Ph. D. ( University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) - Deforestation : Causes and Sustianable Solutions with reference to India . MA Economics Gold Medal winner University of Rajasthan , Member of Indian Forest Service . 35 years of Forestry resource governance . Several papers in International Joournals in subjects including sustainable development . Policy analyst for social forestry development