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Aarya Patel

Author, 11th Grade Science Student

Aarya Patel 

Author, 11th Grade Science Student
Aarya Patel , 11th Grade Science student is the author of thriller novel, ‘Murder at Mascor’ which was published in 2020 when she was just 13. Second one is coming soon.  She loves playing Football and is actively involved in bringing awareness about adolescent mental health by joining and working with AACCI (Association of Adolescent and Child Care in India). She loves music as well which helps her in dealing with the testing situations.
More Details

My name is Aarya Patel. I am an 11th grade science student.

I am interested in studying science but writing is my passion and something I love to do and want to continue learning and exploring in the future. I love writing novels and short stories too. I wrote my first novel, a thriller called, Murder at Mascor, when I was thirteen and it was published in 2020. That has made me want to keep going. My second novel is written and running rounds of editing before it gets published soon.

I also love playing sports and I have represented my school in football at the state level.

 I feel that is it equally important to give attention to our mental health. Every adolescent has a unique set of experiences and problems that may have different impacts on their mental health and I think it is necessary to understand that. I am actively involved in bringing awareness about adolescent mental health by joining and working with AACCI (Association of Adolescent and Child Care in India) through which I can help other adolescents and do my part in the cause I strongly believe in.

Music for me is one of the ways I deal with trying situations. I have learned to play keyboard which I could not continue for a long but wish to continue in the future.